Schouten kritisch op vee-export buiten Europese Unie
Landbouwminister Carola Schouten wil dat export van dieren naar landen buiten de Europese Unie opnieuw in Europa besproken wordt. Ondanks het feit dat Nederland al jaren geen dieren exporteert naar slachthuizen buiten de Europese Unie, komen er toch Nederlandse dieren op lokale markten en in slachthuizen buiten de EU terecht.
Schouten kritisch op vee-export buiten Europese Unie
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Interesting to note that,the saudis buy alfafa fooder from Kenya and then sell to us high quality,whole powder milk under the brand name ALMARAI.
SAUDI ARABIA produces approx 1billion liters of milk/year in the middle of the arabian desert,through ALMARAI,a farming company owned by the kingdom of saudi arabia.The kingdom is currently the biggest producer of milk,bread and breakfast cereals.They import fodder from all around the world including kenya,which is packed in 40 foot containers and transported by sea to the kingdom.
In 1977, Almarai Dairy farm which is located in Saudi Arabia had 300 cows. Today, the company has more than 195,000 cows with a daily milk production of 4.1 million litres (1.5 billion liters annually).Despite the extreme heat,a cow produces 40 liters of milk a day on the farm which is used to make butter, yogurt,cheese, infant formula and leban (fermented milk).
That makes the largest vertically integrated dairy company in the world.Mind you the farm is located in one of the most of inhabitable places on earth,a desert. Producing such abundance showcase that ingenuity, technology adoption, access to capital and technical knowhow trumps the vagaries of the weather and climate.